Wednesday, July 9, 2014

New Ad Shows The Sneaky Ways We Keep Girls Away From Science

I saw this video today and find it very interesting, and it makes sense.  As a woman, I grew up being given dolls and tea sets.  As subtle as it was, I knew even then that it was social engineering.  I am not saying that math or science was my strong suit.  I was always english and reading.  But I have seen young girls being told not to get dirty.

Today it seems even worse.  The pink and blue in the toy aisle seems a sort of barrier.  My own girls have said they couldn't get a toy because it was for boys.  I always tell them that if they like it, then they can get that toy.  It doesn't matter what section it is from.  The only time I tell them not to get dirty is if they are wearing their good clothes and they are waiting for the bus or we have to go somewhere that they need to be clean for.  Most times I tell them a little dirt never hurt anyone.  That's what soap and water are for.

I am hyper sensitive, I suppose, to the things my girls are exposed to.  I always tell them not to let anyone tell them they can't do something.  You can do anything you set your mind to.  And don't ever think you can't do something because you are a girl.

It's like a battle you have to fight as a mother to ensure your kids don't fall victim to the subliminal messages they are exposed to.  From body image to what they can do, there are so many things that can negatively affect them. I don't shield them from everything, but instead choose to address them as they come.  I ask questions when there is an ad about makeup or beauty products.  I explain why I emphasize their intelligence and how they treat others over outward appearance.

Some girls grow up thinking that all they are is what they look like.  I do not want that for my kids.  I tell them they are beautiful, sure.  But I also tell them that they are smart and funny and creative.  If you are always concerned about your appearance, you are basing your self worth on others.  True beauty comes from inside. In my own experience, I find intelligence and kindness to others to be more attractive than what someone looks like.

Sometimes I worry that being a stay at home mom sends my girls a message about their jobs.  I make sure to tell them that they have the choice.  I chose to stay home and raise my girls.  It was very important to me that I be here for them.  They can do whatever they choose.  I encourage them to go out and go to college and experience life before worrying about family and getting married and such.  It's a lot harder to go to college when you have kids to take care of.  It's possible, but I hope they would take care of themselves and figure out what they want for themselves before worrying about any of that.  Because once they get involved with a guy, they will probably put themselves to the back of the line and put him first.  Put yourself first and find your way before that happens.

If I sound bitter, I am not.  I am realistic.  I went out and worked and went to community college.  I honestly didn't really think about dating or any of that.  I was focused on school.  I wasn't the nicest to guys who asked me out, I confess.  It wasn't that I didn't like guys....  I just had something going on and didn't have an interest in that at the time.  When I met my husband I was in a place where he could sneak into a blind spot and somehow got past my armor.  I was done with college and was working.  I wasn't focused on my goals at that point.

It's not that I don't want my girls to get married and live a happy life.  It is because I want those things for them that I try to focus them on what THEY want so that they can go out and reach for it before they start putting others first.  I want them to experience life and find out who they are before they worry about everyone else's needs.  And in a relationship, that is what you do.  You will have a better chance of finding the right partner for you if you know more about yourself and have the confidence to know your worth and to expect to be treated right by people.  And hopefully they will then be able to have a good life, which is all any parent wants for their kids, right?

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