Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Some people just seem to have the ability to find their way around.  They can go somewhere once or twice and remember how to get there from then on.  My husband has that ability.  I don't.  I get lost going anywhere new without my navigation on my phone.

 I got lost just yesterday trying to find a house on some side street.  I looked at the map online and thought I could easily get there.  I confidently followed my directions from my memory of the map driving down main street looking for the street I knew should be there but it wasn't.  I turned around and drove back by looking at the street names.  My gas light was on, so I ended up pulling over and turning on my navigation.

I guess I don't know how to read a map.  Harvester Ave is a street I am very familiar with.  You know something.....  there was another side to that street!  and the street I was looking for was over on that other side of Harvester.  I guess I didn't know that street as well as I thought I did.

I would have probably never found it anyway because my navigation took me this way and that.  One good thing was that I saw a street view of the house, so I knew it when I saw it.  I did what I was there to do and then stubbornly refused to use the navigation to get out of there.  So I drove way out of my way until I found a street I knew and then prayed I had turned the right way.  With my gas light on.  It's ok, I had plenty of gas left.  I did however need to get to the school to pick up my daughter.  Which I did with time to spare, thankfully.

No, I am not a person who can get around without getting myself lost.  Before the GPS I would call my husband to help me after I got lost.  He would ask me what street I was on and be able to give me directions including businesses and roads nearby etc.  Man, he sure has a great memory for things like that.  I get lost going straight.  It took me a long time to realize I could at least use the East/West to have a general idea which way to go.  No, I'll never be good at directions.  That is just one of those things.  I am glad, I suppose, that I at least have a GPS and my husband to help me get unlost.

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